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3 Effective Treatments for Bursitis

3 Effective Treatments for Bursitis

Are you dealing with pain and swelling in your shoulder, elbow, hip, or knee? It could be bursitis: an uncomfortable condition that develops when the small, fluid-filled sacs that provide cushioning in your joints become inflamed.

This inflammation is often the result of repetitive movements, making it particularly common among athletes and people with physical jobs. Symptoms include joint pain, stiffness, and swelling — and bursitis has the power to seriously limit your mobility and your quality of life.

Edmond Cleeman, MD, and our team at Manhattan Orthopedics specialize in bursitis treatment, and we know just how frustrating it can be to deal with this painful condition. Here’s more information about three effective treatments for bursitis that can help alleviate your discomfort and get you back to your life.

1. Injections for bursitis

When bursitis flares up, injections can be one of the quickest ways to find relief. We offer two different types of injections for bursitis, and we can help you weigh the pros and cons of both options.

Corticosteroid injections reduce inflammation and alleviate pain associated with bursitis. We injected the medication directly into the inflamed bursa, providing targeted relief and promoting healing.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is another promising treatment option. PRP therapy involves extracting a small amount of your blood, processing it to concentrate the platelets, and then injecting the platelet-rich plasma into your painful joint.

Platelets contain growth factors that stimulate tissue repair and regeneration, making PRP injections a popular choice for treating bursitis and other musculoskeletal conditions.

2. Physical therapy for bursitis

Physical therapy is a cornerstone of bursitis treatment. It offers a drug-free, holistic approach to pain management and rehabilitation — and it can make a significant difference for bursitis symptoms.

After doing a comprehensive assessment, your physical therapist develops a tailored exercise program for you. The goal is to strengthen the muscles surrounding the affected joint, improve flexibility, and correct any biomechanical issues contributing to your bursitis.

Your physical therapy program may include additional modalities, like ultrasound, electrical stimulation, or ice therapy to reduce inflammation and alleviate pain. Manual techniques like massage and joint mobilization can also help improve joint function and promote healing.

Plus, participating in physical therapy doesn’t just relieve current symptoms; it also prevents future flare-ups. Treatment helps address underlying muscle imbalances and movement patterns, so you can take control of your bursitis and regain mobility and function.

3. Arthroscopy for severe bursitis

For most people, conservative treatments provide significant relief. However, if you still have bursitis pain or if your bursitis is accompanied by other joint problems, bursitis surgery might be a good option for you.

Dr. Cleeman specializes in arthroscopy, which is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that allows orthopedic surgeons to visualize and treat joint abnormalities using small incisions and specialized instruments.

During arthroscopy for bursitis, we remove inflamed tissue, repair damaged tendons or ligaments, or smooth rough surfaces within your joint to alleviate friction and reduce inflammation. Even though recovery from arthroscopic surgery may take several weeks, it can provide significant improvements in pain and function.

It’s no secret that bursitis can be painful and frustrating — but it doesn't have to sideline you indefinitely. Book an appointment with our team at Manhattan Orthopedics to get a treatment plan that works for you. Call our offices in Astoria, Brooklyn, and Manhattan, New York, or request your appointment online now.

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