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Could the Cause of My Knee Pain Be Arthritis?

Your knees cushion each step you take, bend when you sit and stand, and lift your weight when you climb stairs. Each knee is a complex combination of bones, cartilage, tendon, ligaments, and muscles — and when you have knee pain, it can stop you in your tracks.

Whether it’s a sharp, sudden pain or a dull ache when you move, knee pain takes many forms. But is it an injury? Or is it a chronic joint condition, like osteoarthritis?

Finding effective treatment starts with learning the cause behind your pain, so let our orthopedic specialists at Manhattan Orthopedics help you. We specialize in knee pain, and we’re here to develop a treatment plan that keeps you moving with less pain.

Risk factors for arthritis

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 23% of American adults have arthritis, and more than one in four report severe joint pain. Osteoarthritis is one of over 100 different types of arthritis, and it’s also one of the most common.

Nicknamed wear-and-tear arthritis, osteoarthritis develops when the cartilage that cushions your joints deteriorates with age. As cartilage disappears, bones begin grinding against one another. This friction is what causes the joint pain, stiffness, and swelling that’s characteristic of arthritis.

Arthritis can appear in almost any joint, but it’s particularly common in weight-bearing joints, like your knees. 

Your knee pain could be a sign of arthritis if:

Arthritis can happen to anyone, but these factors increase your risk of developing this chronic joint condition. To add to this list, smokers are at a higher risk of developing knee arthritis, as are people who do a lot of squatting and bending in their jobs or hobbies.

Finding relief from knee pain

If your daily life is punctuated with knee pain, make an appointment with our specialists. There’s no cure for arthritis, but finding an effective treatment plan can minimize your pain and keep it from worsening. 

We begin with a thorough physical exam. We review your symptoms and your medical history, including any previous injuries that could be affecting your joint health. Sometimes, X-rays can confirm the extent of your arthritis.

There are plenty of conservative treatment options to try that might relieve your knee pain. Popular options for osteoarthritis include anti-inflammatory medication, joint injections, and physical therapy. We often recommend trying these treatments first, and then suggest more advanced procedures like joint replacement surgery if you’re still suffering severe joint pain.

You shouldn’t ignore knee pain. Whether it’s arthritis or an acute condition, our team is here to offer solutions. Call the office location nearest you, either Midtown West Manhattan, Astoria, or Brooklyn, New York, or request an appointment online to get started.

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